Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mikah's Long Day

I woke up with a heave heart this morning for some very good friends of ours, Ashley and Steven. Today marks a year from when they went into labor with their sweet angel, Chloe. My heart just breaks for them all over again, and I wish I could wrap my arms around them and just make everything better. But I can't, so instead I am here beside of them, to support them in any way I possibly can.

The kids and I were supposed to go have breakfast with Ashley and some other amazing ladies, but apparently Mr. Mikah had other plans! And so started this long day...

I had baked my muffins for the breakfast, showered, and had the girls up and dressed. Makenna was supposed to be going to school, but I had already called her teacher and explained that she wasn't going to be there today.

Mikah had already been up for a little bit, but was playing happily in his bouncer while mommy got ready. When I went to get him dressed, I noticed that his eyes looked funny. They were red all around them, and a little swollen. He just didn't look great, and not like my happy little Mikah.

Upon picking him up, I noticed that he felt very warm, so I checked his temperature. He had a fever of 101.4, which just isn't good for my little guy. We are still watching him closely for this GA1 stuff, and we do NOT want to see him sick!

So I gave him some tylenol, and went ahead and let the girls know I wouldn't be able to make breakfast. Then I gave his doctor a call to let him know what was going on.

At our pediatric office, you leave a number for the nurses and let them call you back. And it didn't take them long to call, but while I waited I noticed that Mikah just really wasn't acting like himself. He wasn't very active, and just laid with his head on my shoulder.

Normally, Mikah is rolling and scooting everywhere, and will NOT lay down for anything! Yes, he falls asleep on my shoulder for naps, but he cries and fights it until he finally just gets too tired and gives up.

After being on hold forever while the nurse talked to the doctor, we got just the prognosis I expected: they wanted me to take him over to Levine's Emergency Room.

We walked in, our letter in hand, and they only left us sitting for a few minutes before bringing us back to the triage room to look him over. They did all the routine things, like checking his weight, blood pressure, etc. And sent us back to the waiting room until they had a room ready.

I wasn't happy about sitting in the waiting room in the first place, but it wasn't crowded at the time, and the 3 kids that were in there with their parents didn't look so bad off. Plus, we isolated ourselves as much as possible by sitting on the other side of the room.

But then, in walked a little boy with his mom, puke bucket in hand. That was enough for me, so Mikah and I decided we were waiting outside! My mom let the nurses know, and they said they would come get us when his room was ready. We just aren't taking chances like right now. My baby already didn't feel good. Plus, anyone who knows me knows I HATE puking. So we just enjoyed the cool weather and cuddled Mikah.

Once we got back into our little ER room, the "fun stuff" began. They listened to Mikah's chest and tummy, and looked him over from head to toe. The doctor ordered a urine sample and a chest x-ray.

A team of nurses came in with a child life specialist to do his catheter. Poor little guy, those things just aren't a good experience. The child life specialist was awesome, and brought some sugar water and a pacifier to try and divert his attention....but seriously, how can you ignore getting a catheter?!? Anyone who has had one knows...they just hurt.

So, of course, my little man screamed. Tear fest #1. :(

It only took them about half an hour to come back and tell us that his urine was clear, but they were also going to do a blood workup on him. Fortunately, there was a rocking chair in the room, so I was able to rock little man to sleep while we waited.

Next was his chest x-ray, and babies just don't tend to like those. I can remember when Kenna was only 3 months old and had RSV....she had to have a chest x-ray, and they had to put her in the "tubes". She was NOT a happy baby.

Mikah did pretty well, though, and didn't require the "tubes". He let mommy hold his arms up like a pro, but he did get a little upset because I couldn't let him move. Tear fest #2. :(

And as soon as we got back into the room, the same team of nurses was back to get some blood. They went ahead and put in an IV, in case they needed to give him fluids. Tear fest #3.....and the biggest of them all.

It took the nurse a little while to find the vein she wanted to use, and it took 3 of us to hold him down. Yes, my mom and two nurses had to hold him still, and I was trying to comfort him at his little head. He was just not having it. :(

But, he was ok again once he was back in mommy's arms. :)

By this time, he started to get a rash, almost like little hives on his little chest and back. The doctor thought they were caused by the fever, and had a nurse come take his temperature. It was starting to go back up, so they brought him some tylenol.

About an hour later, we FINALLY got the ok to go home!! The doctor said that all of his bloodwork was normal, and he had no increase in white cells, which would show infection. He has had a little bit of an upset stomach, so she said he may just have a little stomach bug, and just to keep a close eye on him.

We also got to meet Dr. Spence, the other genetic doctor, before we left. He also reassured us that Mikah's lab workups looked great, and he wasn't concerned at the time.

So we are just watching him! If his fever goes up high again, he throws up, or he just seems to be more miserable, we have to take him back over. Prayers please that this doesn't happen!! He wants to be at home with his sisters!

I think the hardest part of the day was leaving home to take Mikah, and kissing Makenna and Kaisyn bye. Makenna wasn't happy Mikah had to go to the hospital, and asked is he was going to come back home, or if he was going to Heaven. :,(

This whole situation has been so hard on her, and thats hard on me as a mommy. I promised her Mikah was coming home, and fought back tears. She is such a sweet big sister.

And while we were waiting in our little ER room, we heard a Code Blue called in Levine Children's Hospital. And that hit me in the gut for so many reasons.

First, when I was in preterm labor with the twins, a week after my grandad had his heart attack, it was about 6am, and we heard a Code Blue called in the Dickson Heart Unit. I commented to my nurse that I hoped it wasn't for my grandad, and sure enough, it was. And he passed away less than an hour later. So from then on I've known that Code Blue means someone's heart has stopped. :(

Hearing a pediatric Code Blue just tore me up. My heart hurt for the child, and for the parents, and family, and everyone who may be involved and love that child. It just isn't fair, and I have been praying since that they were able to save that sweet little one.

The girls were happy to see us when we got home, and I can't tell you how happy Makenna was to have Mikah back home again. She would NOT leave his side, and either sat on my lap with him while I rocked him, or laid beside his playmat on the floor. She loves her little sister and brothers so much, its precious. I am blessed!

Mikah is still very grumpy, but rightfully so...he had a rough day. And he doesn't seem to feel well tonight, so he is asleep on daddy's shoulder at the moment. It may be a long night, but anything to make my little ones feel better is worth it. I just pray we don't have any reasons to head back to the hospital!

Dr Lye explained to me that we have to go to the ER instead of his office even for little things like just a fever, because they can rush the tests there, whereas in his office they wouldn't have results until the next day. And there could be cases where that just isn't soon enough. So it will be ER trips for everything for now.

I'm just glad we are home now. The girls are sleeping, Mikah and daddy are sleeping, and I'm exhausted. So I'm going to go lay Mikah in his bed, and hit the sack myself.

Please say extra prayers for Ashley and Steven as they celebrate precious Chloe's first birthday in Heaven tomorrow. I know she is playing with Kho, and all of their other little angel baby friends, and having a blast. Just pray for peace of heart for the Friels, and all of us who love baby Chloe so much.

And thank you for your continued prayers for our little man! God is still so good!

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