Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Thoughts

It's been a little stressful around here, to say the least!

Mikah has done amazing switching his formulas. I swear, he is a little pro. And he is just awesome....the dietician figured it would take us about 3 days to fully ween him off of his old and onto his new formula, but it only took him a day! That's my boy. <3

But he isn't so fond of waking up in the middle of the night to eat, so it's been a stuggle. He gets grumpy, and just mad that you are waking him up. That boy is just like my girls....he loves his sleep!

I was about to head out to Charlotte today to get his scale to measure out his formula, but then I got a call from his genetic counselor, who works along with his new geneticist. She said that they got back the results from the preliminary biochemical labs that they ran on Mikah, and that didn't seem to show that he has GA1.

We still have to wait 6 weeks to know for sure, because that is when his actual genetic tests will be back. But still, this could be amazing news!!!

Yes, if we get the results and he doesn't have it, we will be back to square one on both what is making Mikah's enzyme levels off, and on what happened to sweet little Khoen. But, GA1 just isn't good. And hopefully it is the worst case scenario, and anything else we may have to deal with won't be as dangerous!

So for now, we have one test that shows that yes, he has it, and one that shows that no, he may not. Our doctors want us to still stay with the new diet, and we still have to do the same thing when it comes to taking Mikah to the ER if he shows any signs of illness, with his note in hand.

But we are praying that the genetic tests will show that it isn't GA1! Statistics saying that people with GA1 only living until the age of 35 just won't cut it for this momma. My babies all deserve long, happy, healthy lives, and I'll do all I can to ensure that for them.

On another note, we are super excited about Khoen Day! I can't thank my friends Ashley and Taylor enough for planning this to help our family.

It will be exciting just to meet new people who are coming out of their way to buy BBQ and make donations in honor of our sweet son, who can't be there to give them a hug. But I can assure you Khoen will be there, and he will be beaming with pride at how many people are reaching out to help his family! God is so amazing, and the people who are helping us are incredible.

If you are coming Saturday and have already bought a ticket or made a donation, THANK YOU!!!!! And if you are coming and plan to purchase your food there, THANK YOU AS WELL!!!!

We will have the kids there for part of the day, but Dustin and I will be there all day! (Except when we make our delivery to Gastonia :) ) So please, make sure and give us a hug, so we can hug you back and thank you in person! You all are amazing, and we are more grateful than you will ever know. <3

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