Monday, November 11, 2013

Setting my burden's free.

Is it summer again yet?! I am over the cool/cold little ones absolutely cannot get these yucky germs out of their systems!

Mikah got sick well over a month ago, then Kaisyn, then Makenna, then Mikah again. All with nasty colds, which of course were transferred to mommy, too!

Everyone recovered but Mikah, who ended up with a bad ear infection and feeling terrible. As soon as we started to get him better, Kaisyn got his cold AGAIN.

We were all well and healthy again for a little over a week, when Mikah started running a fever again. He had yet another ear infection, but some antibiotics cleared him up. Then it was Makenna with the fever again starting last Wednesday. She had a sore throat, but no strep, and ran a fever through Saturday. Saturday morning, Kaisyn woke up throwing up, and has had a nasty tummy since. And today, after Makenna woke up with a tummy ache, Mikah woke up with ANOTHER fever.

No kidding, I feel like I am going insane. We absolutely can't catch a break! Makenna was ok by this evening, and should be fine to go to school in the morning. But I am keeping Kaisyn home, because she has still had a yucky tummy and lots of tummy aches today. Its no fun when your 2 year old consistently tells you she needs to "grow up", and goes to stand with her head over the toilet.

Tonight I did manage to get her to do a little dance party with me, which was fun to see. She has laid around most of the day, as well as all weekend, so it was fun to see her smiling again. I am praying so hard that means that she is on the other side of this stuff, and will wake up tomorrow feeling like her happy little sweetest-girl-in-the-world self.

With Mikah, I can't tell if its his ear again, or his back molars. I didn't even consider teeth at first, since he is almost 2, but he has been very grumpy for the past few days, and I gave him a sucker earlier that he literally just chewed with his back gums...where his molars haven't come through yet. So I am curious if the random fever spike and the extreme screaming and clinginess is due to his little teeth hurting him!

If you came into my house right now, you would probably run away screaming. But, its next to impossible to get anything at all done with 3 sick kids. One of them has to be on my lap constantly, or someone is crying, or someone is nauseous, or someone has spiked a fever and needs medicine, or someone is crying because something has been never-ending. I have had to say countless prayers for strength, and I admit, I have taken a few "potty breaks" to go into the bathroom and cry my eyes out (for the 2 minutes I can get away) because it feels overwhelming. This is really the first time all 3 have been so sick at the same time, and it's been tough.

It was AMAZING to have Dustin here over the weekend to help with everything, and to keep me sane. But he was back at work today, and thank God I did have some help from my mom this morning, and Victoria this afternoon. You have no clue how much you appreciate a friend coming to sit with your kids so you can shower until you have 3 under 5 that are all super needy on your hands!

Tonight I was held the first meeting for my downline in Origami Owl, which was fun. I am excited to have such an amazing team of ladies, that I can now call my friends. This company has been such a blessing to me, and I am so thankful that Dustin was supportive when I told him I wanted to take this adventure on, and give it a try. It's been a great 11 months with the company!

It's also been such a good outlet for me, and a way to share Khoen's story daily. I have my Khoen locket, that has his picture in the back, and I wear it to all of my events and around daily. That way, whenever anyone asks about my locket, I get to tell them about Khoen, and it makes him feel so much closer to me. I can't even describe that feeling.

Tonight, when I was feeling weak and in need of prayers, a sweet aunt of mine sent me a verse that couldn't have been more relevant to the moment I was in.

Have you never heard or understood? Don't you know that the Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of all the earth? He never grows faint or weary. No one can measure the depths of His understanding. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; He offers strength to the weak. Isaiah 40:28-29

After almost a full week of at least one child coming into my bed in the middle of the night, either with something hurting or coughing constantly, getting so behind on sleep, feeling overwhelmed by sickness, and being completely stressed out to the point of feeling like breaking down, that's exactly what I needed to hear.

Its amazing sometimes how someone can send you something and it can immediately make you feel differently. I forgot for a moment that I didn't have to carry this around with me. I don't have to shoulder this sickness and my children's extra needs this week on my own. I have someone who is willing to carry me through it all, and shoulder my burdens for me, if I will just turn it over to Him.

And tonight, that is what I am doing, whole-heartedly. He knows when I am too weak, and He knows how to make me feel strong enough to take on the world again.

How lucky is my son to know Him face to face. <3

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