Thursday, May 24, 2012

This Crazy Life!

You never realize how much stuff you're kids really have, until you start to organize it! And that's exactly what I spent my free time today (you know, all 30 minutes spread out in 3 minute intervals) doing.

It seems like every other weekend, our downstairs toybox is, we clean it out and get rid of some, store some, etc. And by the next weekend, its busting at the seems all over again.

How, I will never understand. We don't go out and buy toys except at birthdays, or holidays. Yet this is a consistent theme at our house!

But I don't mind. I knew what I was signing up for when I had more than one child. And being a stay at home mom has been my dream since the day Makenna was born.

I worked full time until she was 2, then part time until Kaisyn was born. So I am 100% satisfied with my job of changing diapers, feeding little ones, wiping noses and sticky hands, and cleaning.

Since the twins were born, I've had multiple people ask me how I do it. And honestly, my answer is one day at a time, with the help of God. I could NOT do this without him. I find myself praying out-loud through the screams of multiple children for patience and strength. And He always delivers, and gives me peace at heart when I need it the most.

It's impossible to 'plan ahead' anymore. Sure, I can say "hey Dustin, tomorrow let's take the kids to the park! It's going to be so nice out!" And will we end up at the park? I can tell you I highly doubt it. Either the kids will be grumpy, or one won't be feeling well, or someone decided not to eat at a normal 'meal time' and is way off our attempted schedule. Therefore we quickly learned that being spontaneous is the way to go, for us at least.

We try to keep our kids on a schedule, and usually it works rather well. But come on now, we have 4 kids. There's no hope of perfection here!

I saw a sign the other day (yes, i realize everyone else probably saw it back in 1977...) that said 'Please excuse the mess. Kids are making memories here.' I immediately smiled and realized that sign should be permanently adhered to my front door! Because no matter how many times I load the dishwasher, sweep, vacuum, do laundry, clean up toys, and change dirty clothes, something is always a mess!

But I've learned that spending time enjoying the smiles of my kids, and tickling them or making them giggle, is so much more important than a spotless home.

I can't tell you what tomorrow will bring, or that I will be sane enough (nor have the time!) to write again for the next few days, potentially longer. But I can tell you I am already looking forward to waking up tomorrow to 4 sweet innocent faces, all happy to see mommy, and enjoying the day watching my kids learn new things.

Which reminds me again of how proud I am of my little walker, Miss Kaisyn! She is growing way too fast, but aren't they all?!

One more thing before I go....I have to share that it sometimes annoys me how whenever Dustin and I take the kids out to the store, or anywhere for that matter, people are constantly saying, "Oh! Those aren't all yours! You two are crazy!"


Ok, maybe we didn't plan to have 4 kids while we are still so young. And yes, life is hectic and busy and the full definition if the word crazy. But God blessed me with my children, and I would have it no other way.

I love each of my children, and plan to be the mommy that each of them deserve....and it would be no different it I were 32 and my kids were each 3 or so years apart. I'm their mommy, and I love them....and with the help of God (and Dustin, of course!) I got this!

So stare on, fellow Walmart shoppers. I mean hey, I stare at my kids too....they are little cuties if I do say so myself! ;)

No clue who actually has the time or interest to read this, and if no one does its fine. At least it will be an outlet for me, and a way to remember the little (yet huge in my eyes) things. You KAISYN WALKINGGG!!!!! :)

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